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About Charles Gichane (MrYoungScholar)

Charles Muraguri Gichane Resume

My nickname is “Mura” a shortened version of Muraguri, which means “medicine man” in Kikuyu. Kikuyu is my mother tongue and Kenya is where I was born two days before Valentines on February 12th 1988. I was raised in North America and I’ve spent 17 years in Canada and America (Toronto, Vancouver, New York) but I recently moved back to Nairobi, Kenya after graduating from Syracuse University in 2010 with a bachelors degree in Broadcast Journalism. Therefore, I’m African-Canadian-American…a walking triple entendre, don’t even ask me how!

  • I’m a writer.
  • A poet.
  • A journalist.
  • A story teller.
  • A positive thinking addict.
  • A music (hip-hop) enthusiast.
  • An NBA fanatic.
  • A hopeless romantic.
  • A service based human being who wants to change the world by being the change the world needs.
  • I love: to love, to laugh, to live, to listen, and to learn.
  • I would be nothing without my family and friends.

“Life is my dream. And my dream has always been to live my life to the fullest.”

  • Oh, and I live vicariously through quotes.
We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another ~ Luciano de Crescenzo

My goal is to become a successful independent freelance journalist covering stories that reflect issues that I’m passionate about.

Being born in Kenya, yet having lived the majority of my life in Canada and the United States has allowed me to expand my view of the world, while giving me opportunities in educational advancement that would have been harder to achieve while in Africa.

Although I’m grateful for my experiences in North America, I came to the realization a long time ago that the greatest good I can do with my skills and talents is to aid other Africans who seek to have a voice in the media and business world; a world strictly regulated and monitored by dictatorship governments ruling the developing continent.

As a journalist, my responsibility is to tell their stories through a positive lens and not through the lens of the international media, which often chooses to focus on the negative aspects of Africa such as warfare, crime, disease, and corruption. Although many of these issues exist in Africa, I’ve also been overjoyed to realize that the spirit of human beings transcends such negative circumstances, as people in Kenya have proved to be warmhearted, loving, kind, and generous citizens in the midst of such dire environments.

My ultimate career goal is to develop a media company, which I’ve tentatively named “PositivePressAgency” or PPA, highlighting the good taking place in Kenya and Africa as a whole, in hopes of changing the global perception of the country/continent. “PositivePress” would use media in the form of radio, print, television, films, online websites, and traditional African orature (theater, plays, spoken word, etc) to provide a platform for the great things Kenyans and Africans in general are doing to better their communities in order to contribute positive change.

I live by the following quotes:

→ A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.

→ To teach is to learn twice.

Thank you for being part of my life by checking out this blog. Enjoy my thoughts, add your own. Share in my happiness.

‘God Bless’


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This is work that I did on my off hours and during weekends, while I worked at Clear Channel in Syracuse, New York. It was my attempt at creating an online TV/Radio station consisting of issues and topics I was passionate about. I worked on the show for a period of about 3 months, gaining a little more than 5000 views on my websites. It was a great learning experience and one day I’d like to attempt to make my dreams come true again on a larger platform. Please feel free to comment on my work and add input, whether negative or positive. Thank you for checking out this blog, God bless!

The phrase “Get High, Be Light, Stay Humble” means…seek God, gain Truth, and remain grounded.
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